NEW! With Love Yarn from Red Heart

With Love yarn has everything you love - soft hand, 28 great mixable colors, no dye lot solids and easy care. With Love is a special yarn, because it is made in the USA from premium acrylic fibers that are engineered to be softer while still keeping shape wash after wash, with minimal pilling. From the minute you pick up a skein, you are going to fall in love with this ultra soft yarn. Once you start working with it, your feelings will grow. By the time you have finished your project, you will be head over heels.

Perfect for all the projects you make With Love. Fall in love today!

Here are a few projects to make With Love.

Speedy Granny Throw
Summer Baby Blanket
Simply Irresistable Shawl
Scarf for Dad
Hat & Scarf for Boy
Little Girls Beret & Wristers
Side Buttoned Vest
Time to Relax Granny Throw